Lab Topology
Define the excluded IP address ranges for use of future static IP devices and follow a consistent address scope for all VLANs as best practice. The excluded address ranges will apply to all DHCP scopes configured
Create a DHCP pool for the Engineering VLAN10 and assign the network, default gateway, DNS server, and lease time.
Create a DHCP pool for the Engineering and Finance VLANs and assign the network, default gateway, DNS server, and lease time.
Create a DHCP pool for the Servers VLAN and assign the network, default gateway, DNS server, and lease time.
Note: When configuring a DHCP address reservation for a specific client based on MAC address, you will need to create a separate DHCP scope for each reserved client and specify the reserved IP address assignment and the client-identifier or MAC address. Cisco appends a '01' at the start of the client MAC address or client-identifier to denote Ethernet outlined in RFC 2131. The reserved client IP, in this case, will have to be within the DHCP scope of any pool already configured and also not within the excluded address ranges configured in the first step. Clients with a DHCP address reservation rely on the DHCP server to obtain their reserved IP address. Another way to set an IP on a fixed static IP device is to manually configure the static IP and its parameters so those clients don't have to rely on the DHCP server. This manual fixed IP would have to be included in the DHCP excluded address ranges so the DHCP server does not hand out those IPs to DHCP clients.
Note: The DHCP pool for each reserved client will inherit the DHCP parameters and options from the already configured pool that is within their IP address scope from the network statements.
Verify DHCP configuration thus far by issuing a show running-config command. Five configured pools in addition to the excluded address ranges that will be used by each pool when it comes to handing out IP addresses.
Enabling Client DHCP and Validating DHCP Database
VLAN 10 / Engineering
VLAN 20 / Finance
VLAN 80 / Servers
Summary database of active leases.
Detailed view of pool statistics and counters.
Detailed view of DHCP server counters for packet type categories.
The 'clear ip dhcp binding' command clears the DHCP database of the Cisco DHCP server.
DHCP Packet Captures
Discover Packet
Offer Packet
Request Packet
Acknowledgment Packet