Implement Cisco Meraki MV Security Cameras

Monitoring Meraki MV Cameras 




  • The MV camera monitoring section from the Meraki Dashboard allows admins to view and manage real-time and historical data for the cameras deployed in the network
  • The Meraki Dashboard offers an interface for monitoring camera activity, video feeds, performance metrics, and camera health, providing visibility into the status and operation of Meraki cameras
  • In this section, I will demonstrate the different types of monitoring settings available for Meraki MV cameras

Lab Topology 

Monitoring Video


  • The monitoring video page of Meraki MV cameras is only one of the ways that allow users to view, manage, and analyze video feeds
  • This page is designed for real time video surveillance, offering live streaming, playback of recorded video, and various camera performance metrics

Monitoring Cameras Menu



  • Meraki uses a simple navigation system that allows admins and users to adjust the operation and behavior of the cameras
  • These controls are accessible through the monitoring cameras video page via the Meraki Dashboard

Navigation - Day Selector & Controls

Day Selector & Controls

Day Selector

  • Meraki allows users to select the date via a calendar for a specific time period

Now Button

  • Used to quickly view the current timestamp 

Rewind / Forward Ten Seconds

  • Available for analyzing recorded stored video

Increase Playback Speed

  • Available for local streaming 

Rewind / Forward One Frame

  • Available for analyzing recorded stored video

Navigation - Timeline Bar Navigation 

Timeline Bar Navigation 

  • Green Bar: availability of video recording 
  • Orange Blocks: motion events

Navigation - Digital Zoom

Digital Zoom

  • Users have the ability to use the scrollbar or mouse to zoom in and out of video

External Controls

Use Case:

  • Meraki offers some external controls such as sharing live feed or exporting stored video with the use of email address accounts

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Sharing Live Feed

External Controls - Exporting Video

External Controls - Exporting Video

Motion Search 

Use Case:

  • This feature allows users to search and locate specific motion events within recorded video footage
  • Tool makes it easy to find motion instances, eliminating the need to manually scrub through long video recordings to identify key moments
  • The Motion Recap feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled from the Quality & Retention profile settings

Important Cisco Notices:

  • Motion Recap images turn out best in areas with even lighting, easily identifiable subjects and clean lines of motion
  • Lighting Changes; Sporadic Movement; Lots of Movement, are all factors that affect Motion Recap images: Here

Motion Search - Using Motion Search

Motion Search - Region of Interest & Timeframe

Motion Search - Images/Video View

Motion Search - List View

Motion Search - Export Feature

Monitoring Analytics


  • The monitoring analytics page of Meraki MV cameras is a MV Presence Analytics feature that uses the MV Intelligence engine to analyze the movement of people within the camera's field of view
  • This feature provides insights into how people move and interact with a space, allowing organizations to gather data about foot traffic and patterns of behavior 
  • Per Cisco, this feature is useful for applications such as retail, workspace management, event monitoring, and customer engagement analysis
  • Per Cisco, Presence analytics enables the MV security camera to double as a full service sensor for occupancy detection 

Presence Analytics

Important Cisco Notices:

  • To enable Presence Analytics, cameras are configured by creating a crossing line or an occupancy area to allow for collecting data. After configuration, aggregated historical foot traffic count can be accessed from this page 
  • Configuring a crossing line counts people crossing in each direction of the defined line
  • Configuring an occupancy area monitors the defined region of interest for a particular location
  • There are exporting options available to export historical data 

Presence Analytics - People Counting

Presence Analytics - Vehicle Counting

Presence Analytics - Defining Occupancy Area

Presence Analytics - Defining Occupancy Area

Presence Analytics - Heat Maps


  • Heat Maps, part of the Presence Analytics suite, are visual representations that show the relative intensity of movement or activity within the camera's field of view
  • These heatmaps are generated using the MV Intelligence engine, which analyzes motion data and visualizes areas with the most and least activity
  • Heatmaps provide real time and historical insights into foot traffic and analyze long term patterns and trends such as peak activity times during the day or week

Presence Analytics - Heat Maps

Presence Analytics - Heat Maps

Monitoring Network


  • The monitoring network page of Meraki MV cameras is a section within the Meraki Dashboard that provides a set of diagnostic tools designed to help admins identify and resolve potential network or camera related issues
  • These tools are aimed at ensuring that your cameras and network are operating optimally and that you can quickly detect and fix problems such as connectivity issues  or network performance concerns

Monitoring Network Overview

Monitoring Location


  • The monitoring location page of Meraki MV cameras allows you to identify and organize camera devices according to the facilities they are deployed, facilitating easier management and monitoring, especially in large-scale installations with multiple cameras across various sites
  • The Topology sub-section page provides a logical representation of the network topology and connectivity of your cameras within the network infrastructure to better understand how the cameras are connected to the rest of the network 

Monitoring Location Overview

Monitoring Location - Map View

Monitoring Location - Satellite Map View

Monitoring Location - Photo View

Monitoring Location - Topology View

Monitoring Event Log


  • The monitoring event log page of Meraki MV cameras provides a detailed log of events related to the MV cameras
  • This page allows you to track important activities and incidents that occur within the camera network 

Monitoring Event Log Overview

Monitoring Event Log - Specific Camera View

Monitoring Event Log - Network-Wide View

Monitoring Settings


  • The monitoring settings page of Meraki MV cameras is a section where you can configure and manage various camera specific settings to tailor the performance and behavior of your cameras based on your surveillance needs
  • The various settings included in this page are the following:
    • Video Settings
    • Quality & Retention
    • Low Light Mode
    • Motion Alerts
    • Wireless Profiles
    • Sense

Video Settings

Available Video Settings:

  • Rotation
  • High Dynamic Range
  • Sensor Crop
  • Privacy Windows
  • External RTSP

Video Settings

Video Settings

Quality & Retention Settings


  • The Quality & Retention settings are configurations that help determine the video quality and storage retention duration for camera footage
  • Meraki offers different configuration methods including assigning fixed quality & retention profiles or manual configurations for a specific camera 

Profile Assignment Configuration Method Settings

Profile Assignment vs Manual Configuration method settings

Manual Configuration Method Settings

Manual Configuration Method Settings

Low Light Mode Settings


  • The low light mode settings for Meraki MV cameras are designed to optimize the camera's performance in environments with poor lighting 
  • These settings adjust how the camera captures video when there is insufficient ambient light, ensuring clear footage is recorded even in dim or low-light conditions

Low Light Mode Settings

Low Light Mode Settings

Motion Alert Settings


  • Per Cisco, motion events get triggered when a portion of an area in the MV's field of view is changed, causing motion to be detected
  • If this feature is configured, when an event is triggered, an alert will be generated which will be directly sent to the configured email address
  • Per Cisco, the motion alert email will include a motion recap image that corresponds to the relevant event in cases when the 'Restricted Bandwidth Mode' of the camera is disabled either through a quality & retention profile or manually

Motion Alert Settings

Motion Alert Settings

Wireless Profile Settings


  • The wireless profile settings for Meraki MV cameras allow you to define and manage the wireless network settings for cameras that are connected to the network via Wi-Fi, serving as wireless clients 
  • These settings are used in scenarios where the Meraki Low Voltage Power injector is used instead of physical Ethernet cables to the wired infrastructure
  • The wireless profile settings are generally used as the camera's primary uplink connection when not hard wired into the LAN and should not be used as a failover connection when hard wired to the LAN 

Wireless Profile Settings

Wireless Profile Settings

Sense Settings


  • Meraki offers an integrated API to interact with the MV security cameras through the use of MV Sense 
  • Per Cisco, MV Camera Intelligence is designed to be open-ended, allowing admins to enhance or create an application which features the object detection or light level data from an MV smart camera
  • A number of camera APIs are available to use including REST APIs, MV Sense & MQTT, Live Link APIs, & Snapshot APIs

Sense Settings

Sense Settings