Network Wide Configuration

Configuring Administration Settings




  • In Cisco Meraki, the Network-wide Administration settings refer to the options that control the management, access, and permissions for the Meraki Dashboard and the network itself 
  • These settings are crucial for configuring user access, security, network monitoring, and administrative tasks within your Meraki organization or network

Administration Overview

Administration Page Menu

Administration Level Overview

  • Administrator management is available via the Meraki Dashboard and the Meraki Mobile app (iOS & Android)
  • Meraki defines two types of dashboard administrators: Organization & Network 
  • Organization Admin
    • Organization Admins have complete access to their organization and all of its networks. This type of account is equivalent to a root or domain admin
  • Network Admin
    • Network admins have access to individual networks and their devices. These users have complete or limited control over their network configurations, and have the ability to view organization inventory and claim devices into networks they administer. They do not have access to most organization-level information, such as licensing information

Managing Network Permissions

  • Privileges granted at the organization level will apply to all networks in an organization, and can only be managed from the 'Organization >> Configure >> Administrators' page. 
  • Permissions for specific networks can be managed in two locations. Under 'Organization >> Configure >> Administrators' or under 'Network-wide >> Configure >> Administration'

Organization Permission Types 

  • None
    • User will not have organization-wide access. Use this option if you only want the user to have network only permissions
  • Read-only
    • User able to access most aspects of network and organization-wide settings, but unable to make any changes
    • Read-only admins can perform switch port cycles and cable tests
  • Full
    • User has full administrative access to all networks and organization-wide settings. This is the highest level of access available
    • Per Cisco, dashboard organizations should always have at least two organization admins with full permissions. This is best practice in case one account is locked out or if access to that account's email address is lost

Organization-wide Administration Settings Overview

Organization-wide Administration - Defining Organization Admin

Organization-wide Administration - Organization Admin Email

Organization-wide Administration - Organization Admin Password Setup

Organization-wide Administration - Successful Organization Admin Login

Organization-wide Administration - Verified Defined Organization Admin

Network Permission Types 

  • Guest Ambassador
    • User only able to see the list of Meraki auth users, add users, update existing users, and authorize/deauthorize users on an SSID or client VPN. Guest Ambassadors can also remove wireless users if they are an ambassador on all networks
    • Per Cisco, this feature can be used when individuals such as a receptionist or office manager may need more privileges to grant network access to a visitor without giving them full network access
  • Monitor-only
    • User only able to view a subset of the Monitor section in the dashboard and no changes can be made
    • These users can view summary reports but not schedule reports via an email in the dashboard
  • Read-only
    • User able to access most aspects of a network, including the configure section, but no changes can be made
  • Full
    • User has access to view all aspects of a network and make changes to it

Network-wide Administration Settings Overview

Network-wide Administration - Defining Network Admin

Network-wide Administration - Network Admin Email

Network-wide Administration - Network Admin Password Setup

Network-wide Administration - Security Code Email

Network-wide Administration - Successful Network Admin Login

Meraki Mobile App Administration

  • Administrator management is also available in the Meraki Mobile app for IOS & Android 
  • Using this tool, you can view, add, edit, and delete Organization and Network administrators on the go, whenever most convenient