Network Wide Configuration

Configuring User Management Portal




  • In Cisco Meraki, the User Management Portal in the Network-Wide section of the Meraki Dashboard is a central location where admins can manage user access, roles, and permissions when utilizing Meraki Authentication 
  • It helps ensure that only authorized users have access to the network management interface and that their access is tailored to their responsibilities within the organization 

Users Overview

Users Page Menu

User Management Portal 

  • Per Cisco, when using Meraki Authentication for Client VPN authentication, SSID association requirements, or MS switch access policies, a network admin can easily create and edit user accounts from the Meraki Dashboard 
  • Organization admins can also delete existing user accounts 
  • Types of Meraki Cloud Authentication Accounts
    • Guest
    • Administrator 
  • Dashboard accounts (network and organization admins) will be listed as admins while guests are user accounts that have been manually created
  • Per CIsco, Meraki Authentication must be enabled on Client VPN or at least one SSID to be able to create, edit, or delete users

User Management Portal - Defining New User for Production SSID 

User Management Portal - Defining New User for Production SSID 

User Management Portal - Created User Onboarding Email

User Management Portal - Created User Verification 

Authorizing Administrators 

  • Any dashboard administrator will be added to the Meraki Authentication users list automatically for Client VPN. For SSIDs, they will need to be manually added to the respective SSID, then the account will need to be specifically authorized for the SSID or Client VPN
  • Permissions for Managing Meraki Cloud Authentication Guest Users
    • Per Cisco, the list of Meraki Cloud Authentication users is consistent across an organization. Hence, any Network administrator may administer any guest user in an organization provided that they have write access to at least one network, allowing the following actions
      • Authorize or De-authorize the user for the network they have permission to
      • Update the user (such as setting a new password, affecting the user account in all networks in the organization 
  • It's important to note that guest users can modify their own credentials and reset their password by logging in through ''. This page is only available for users created under SSID configured as splash or Client VPN

User Management Portal - Adding and Authorizing Administrator to Production SSID

User Management Portal - Adding and Authorizing Administrator to Production SSID

User Management Portal - Adding and Authorizing Administrator to Production SSID

User Management Portal - Adding and Authorizing Administrator to Production SSID

User Management Portal - Guest User Meraki Portal

User Management Portal - Guest User Meraki Portal